modeling, valuations & data analytics

The ability to make sense of large quantities of data and integrate this into your business plan can provide you a strategic edge in your company’s decision-making. HIVE can assist with not only the development of a business or financial model that can help you to make informed decisions or manage risks, but can also help you to analyze and monetize data linked to your business and give you the edge you need to be successful. 

HIVE also possesses experienced valuation advisors within its network with extensive valuations experience across a wide variety of sectors. HIVE Network can perform insightful financial and valuation analyses using multiple methodologies, coupled with deep experience in assessing market-based value indicators based on sophisticated research techniques. HIVE can provide you with our valuation analyses at two levels of assurance – calculation of value and estimate of value reports.

Customized financial and data modeling
Financial model assessments
Financial Sensitivity analysis
Financial Planning analysis
Budget modeling and revenue forecasting
Business case modeling and planning

Data model assessments
Risk quantification and data sensitivity analysis
Data Analytics and Risk Modeling
Data Modeling training 
Macro development, SQL, Python and VBA coding 

Estimated fair market business valuations
Valuation of assets and business interest for taxation purposes
Purchase price allocation and goodwill impairment
Pricing and synergy analyses
Corporate reorganization,, estate planning Intellectual property